Demographics - environment and makeup of the workforce.
Saturn Corporation states they are not looking for employees, instead they want team members with strong communication and problem-solving skills and a desire to think creatively and act decisively. "It's not for everyone, but for some, there's no better place to be.".
Instead of functional departmentalization - grouping jobs by functions performed, the Saturn Corporation remains more contemporary in nature with its employee work teams and open communication systems, describing more of a cross-functional team - a hybrid grouping of individuals who are experts in various specialties who work together. Each employee is required to acquire ninety two hours of training every year. Also, each team member on the job has an Individualized Training Plan to ensure the right instruction regarding people, technology, quality, and safety issues. Most of this training occurs in the work area, and safety is the most important factor. "Saturn's Workplace Development Center contains mock assembly lines and other equipment to train new team members and to help teams devise safer ways of doing things".
Lastly, Saturn's highly skilled and trained team members are located in Wilmington, Delaware as well as in Spring Hill, Tennessee, where Saturn owners come back each year to celebrate Saturn's annual homecoming.
Organizational - .
Work Teams - interaction with others to achieve goals and objectives.
The Saturn Corporation is built on partnerships and teamwork. Every employee is trained to do a variety of tasks, the intention is that employees can subsitiute for each other and exchange jobs. The employees are referred to as partners and it is expected that everyone fully contribute to the teamwork effort.
The work teams that make up Saturn Corporation are: .
• The Technical Development/Product Engineering Team, this team is responsible for designing, developing and doing it better.