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The egg with the DNA from another person is then manipulated into believing it has been fertilized and is implanted into the womb of the mother just as is done in the process of in vitro fertilization. Afterwards the fetus develops and is born after nine months, just like a natural baby. What this means is that the clone shares only the same DNA as the person from which it was cloned. It shares none of the same memories, knows none of the same people, and it will experience completely different things. The clone is like a much younger identical twin. The person and the clone of the person share the same genetic structure, which means the clone, will look exactly like the original. Studies have shown that identical twins who are raised apart often share similar personalities and intelligence, even though possessed of entirely different experience and background (Silver 189). .
             One important reason to continue cloning research is that it could provide a way for infertile couples or homosexual couples with a way to create a genetically related child. There are many couples in the world of which one of the partners is unable to naturally donate his/her genes for the purpose of procreation. Only through cloning technology will they be able to give birth to a child that is related to them genetically. Ensuring that the family genes are passed on to future generations might be more appealing to parents than adoption or using sperm and eggs from an unrelated donor. In late 1997 Richard Seed announced that he would attempt to create a child using cloning technology, and his post menopausal wife would be carrying the child. Seed, with no medical credentials or funding, is not expected to succeed. .
             It is possible to create a full human being by cloning, but the clone does not have to develop into a full human. Inhibitors can be injected into a growing clone so that only certain organs will be produced.

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