A smart organization gives its employees a sense of ownership. This doesn't have to be in financial terms, as shown with Home Depot. By giving employees an integral role in the operation of their departments and business units, the company fosters loyalty and commitment from employees. It also inspires them to do their best. Giving employees enough freedom and power to carry out their tasks allows them to take ownership of the results. When individuals believe that the work they are doing is important and that their tasks are meaningful they will maintain commitment to the company and will desire to grow with the company.
Secondly, developing clear career advancement opportunities is an important step in fostering a sense of loyalty, trust, and commitment. Career plans, rewards for achievement, and encouraging further education are excellent ways to support employees. A career plan will help the employee set their long- term goals. Career development plans are agreements between employee and employer and they spell out exactly what one will receive to develop their skills such as tuition, time-off, formal training, classes, etc. Plans also include milestones for the achievement of learning goals. Rewards for achievement whether monetary such as a raise in pay or non-financial such as a change in title to reflect the level of work achieved are all-important to the fostering of loyalty and fulfillment. Encouraging further education not only makes employees more valuable to the company, but it promotes a sense of well-being and satisfaction, which leads to loyalty and commitment. .
Starbucks Coffee has more then 400 retail stores, 26 major airport locations, a thriving mail order business, and direct sales to businesses such as Nordstrom, Barnes and Noble bookstores, and Delta shuttle. They have sales growth of 65 percent each year. All Starbucks employees, known internally as "partners", start their careers with twenty-four hours of classroom training at one of the company's regional training centers.