) Our family has had a history of immigration both my mom's and my dad's fathers had come to the U.S. before when they were both bachelors, under the Bracero Program, which was from 1947-1964. They had come in contract from the U.S. to work for a period of time and then go back to Mexico.
In Mexico in this time there was many things going on. Even thought that Mexico's economy had been improving. There were still many things going wrong. "Each year, more Mexicans move from farms to cities in search of jobs. This migration and Mexico's high rate of population growth have helped cause overcrowding and a shortage of jobs in the cities. More people fled from Mexico to other countries in search of jobs that were so scarce to find in the overcrowded cities. There were also financial problems in Mexico. " By 1981 decreased demand and lower prices for petroleum helped create an economic crisis in Mexico. The government became deeply in debt, and unemployment and prices rose sharply. It was a hard time in Mexico so it doesn't seem unlikely that a lot of immigrants came to America in that time.
My dad did also he had come for the first time when he was seventeen. He came because he wanted to work so he could get away from the prison, which at that time was your family. Then and probably still now you work for your family usually not getting more that what you need. He like many other people wanted more, greedy for life. He left in the middle of the night against the authorization of his dad, whom had told him prior that he didn't let him go and that he couldn't go.
He came to work on the field with some of the others from his little town. After his first trip to America he saw potential that country and was eagerly awaiting his next trip. He was able to become legal because of a law that said that if you where working for 90 days you could file for papers. He would have gotten them earlier when the law was that if you were in the U.