These all assist in the resorption rate, which eventually can cause severe injuries, or death.
Age is a very important occurrence when discussing Osteoporosis. As a person grows older, and loses more and more bone tissue, it is more likely for them to develop the disease. Osteoporosis affects men and women the same. But, however, women have another factor that contributes to the disease. When women go through menopause, they stop producing a type of hormone called Estrogen. Estrogen aids in the prevention of the resorption process, so, it slows down the rate of bone loss. The more Estrogen a women loses, the higher the risk she has of Osteoporosis (Boyden 559). .
There are few factors that are a persons responsibility which promote Osteoporosis. One of these is your diet. If your diet contains the absence or shortage of certain vital nutrients, calcium and protein, it will make a large impact of whether or not you will get the disease. Also, lifestyle choices have a big impact. Alcohol and tobacco usage can increase the chances of having Osteoporosis. Lack of exercise, too, can increase your probabilities (Boughton, 2118). .
Osteoporosis, which is a disease in which many factors play a part in, has little to no symptoms and warning signs. Since bone loss usually occurs without a person knowing, it achieved it's nickname, the "silent disease." Although there aren't any true symptoms, there are a small number of warning signs. This can be when even a simple task of bending or twisting the body causes a fracture or a break of the bone. The worst case is when the vertebrae in the spinal cord collapse due to their weakness. The only other warning sign is when a person actually shrinks, meaning that there height decreases. This happens due to the reduction of actual bone mass (Boughton, 2118). .
After a person notices warning signs, and is diagnosed with the disease, the next step would be treatment of their disease.