Steel also changed the face of cities. After the elevator was invented in the 1850s and steel was used to reinforce buildings, skyscrapers started to develop, and cities began to grow up.OilOil started to replace coal in industry. After the 1876 invention of a practical internal combustion engine, which burned gasoline inside it, it began to be used for many things. Aside from the industrial use, it was used in automobiles. The first motorcar was invented in 1885, and would - within a century - be everywhere. A gasoline engine also enabled the Wright brothers to get their plane flying in 1903. .
Railroads and Steamships.
The second Industrial Revolution was also a transportation revolution. During it, new modes of transportation were pioneered. Steamships and railroads were to drastically change the way people travelled, transported things, and lived their lives.
In 1807, Robert Fulton invented the steamship by placing a steam engine on his boat, the Clermont. In a short time, they had proliferated all over Europe and North America. By 1870, they had largely replaced sailing ships. Steam represented a significant change from sail. Steamships were not limited by winds or tides, and so they managed to completely alter water travel.
What steamships did for sea travel, the locomotive did for land travel. In 1829, george Stephenson built the first one. Soon it, too, had spread across Europe and The United States. the locomotive, which was based on mine carts, was used for rapid transport of passengers and cargo. The overall effect of both new technologies was to connect the world more closely, and to facilitate further industrialization.
Big BusinessAs industry grew larger, new methods of controlling it were created. Toward the end of the second Industrial Revolution, corporations and stocks developed to cope with the increasing size of industry.Corporations and StocksNew industries, such as railroads, were expensive to build and maintain.