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HIspanics In The U.S

My mother, as with many other central and south americans traveled with a "coyote." It is a slang term used commmonly with in the hispanic community as a transportor of immigrants. These "coyotes" are paid around a minimum of $500, depending how far your trip is to illegally migrate you to the united staes. some of these horrific methods of transporting illegal immigrants are by walking across the mexican desserts into texas, hiding in trucks with no ventalation, crossing large bodies of water (from cuba to florida), using small boats. many people have died, either being murdered, raped, or due to suffication (in unventalated trucks). there are many other ways, i am just glad my mother survived her walk across the mexican dessert.
             it is always a challenge to move to a completely different place, but can you imagine living in a country that does not speak your language, and being afraid to learn theirs, fearing you will be caught by the authorities and deported. That is one of the reasons why hispanics live in close quarters. In an article written by Justin O"Brien states "Over the years, it has always shown that Hispanics live in among each other in large groups, mainly inhabiting major cities. But over the past couple of years Hispanics have slowly, yet noticeably moved into the suburbs and are slowly migrating into rural areas in the U.S." It isn't a big surprise to know the top eight states that account for the heaviest concentration of the foreign-born population. They are California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Nevada, Arizona and Illinois. Once it was that Hispanics were very family oriented, but with the culture change and adaptation to American culture, the differences of Hispanics living in close quarters has now extended all across the U.S. .
             Hispanics numbered 38.8 million as of July 2002, an increase of almost 10 percent, or 3.5 million, since April 2000 states the Census Bureau.

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