By 1526 though, he had begun to separate from Catherine because he had fallen in love with one of her ladies. She became pregnant and died in 1526. In 1527 henry began to seek an annulment of his marriage to Catherine, making him free to marry again. During the time when henry was trying to get an annulment from Catherine he was seeing a woman named Anne. Anne feared that henry might go back to Catherine if the marriage couldn't be annulled and Anne would have wasted time that she could have used to make an advantageous marriage. Around 1529 records show that henry began to spend more and more on Anne, buying he clothes, jewelry, and things for her amusement such as playing card and bows and arrows. Sometime near the end of 1532, Anne finally gave way, and by December she was pregnant. To avoid any question of the legitimacy of the child he had Catherine beheaded. Anne had the kid and Henry was very disappointed, because it was a girl. On the morning of May 19, 1536 she was executed. Henry soon found his next love, Jane Seymour. It wasn't until early 1537 that Jane became pregnant. During her pregnancy Jane's every whim was indulged by the king. In october, a prince was born at hampton court palaceand was christened on the 15th of october. The baby was named Edward. Jane died on october 24th, just two weeks after her son was born. In the end she was the only one of henry's six wives that was buried with him. Henry waited a while to have any affiars after Jane died. It wasn't intil 1539 when he started seein Anne of Tlebes. They was married on January 6, 1540. By then, henry was already looking for ways to get out of the marriage. She played is smart and also tried to get the marriage annuled. Sixteen dayes after he was free of Anne, Henry took his fifth wife, Kathryn Howard, on July 28, 1540. Henry was 49 and his bride was no older than 19. Less than a year into kathryn's marriage, the rumors of herin fidelity began.