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Claus von Bulow

He helped her to her room and into her bed. He had gone to play tennis the next morning. When he returned, he found Maria Schrollhammer, the maid, crying. .
             She had told him that Sunny was sick, and that Claus would not let her seek medical attention. Claus had said that Sunny had a rough night and was just recovering from too much alcohol and had to sleep it off. He ordered Maria not to disturb Sunny.
             Later, Maria had walked past Sunny's room and had heard her moaning. She ignored Claus' order and entered the room to find Sunny unconscious. Claus was on the other twin bed that was in the room casually reading. Maria tried to awaken Sunny, but she wouldn't wake up. .
             Maria wanted Claus to call the ambulance. Claus would not call for medical attention. They both got into an argument over the matter. Maria finally gave in to her employer.
             Once Alexander heard of his mother's illness, he rushed to his mother's side. He found her breathing erratically. He tried everything to get her to wake up. He looked at his step father and Claus actually appeared to be concerned. Claus then asked Alexander what they should do. Alexander yelled at him to call for an ambulance. He did so, begging the local doctor to make a house call. .
             Dr. Janis Gailitis arrived at the house 15 minutes later. He immediately phoned for a ambulance. Sunny had then vomited and stopped breathing. The doctor performed CPR and Sunny started to breath on her own, but lapsed into a coma and was unresponsive. .
             Dr. Gailitis could not diagnose the coma because that was not his field. After he admitted Sunny into the hospital, he called the experts. The doctors arrived and ordered labs on Sunny. They had seen that Sunny's blood sugar was very low. They ordered a intravenous dextrose in attempt to raise her blood sugar to normal levels.
             Instead of raising her blood sugar levels, it dropped. Indicating that Sunny's body already had contained higher than normal levels.

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