There is no "Jewish problem" or "Black problem" in this country. This stereotyping is not based on reasonable facts or evidence; but based on personal prejudices. They dislike other culture solely because they are different. People should not be judged in such a superficial way.
This Anti-Semitic, neo- Nazi, white supremacist group literature's destructive to mankind. Additionally, their terrorist messages of annihilation are preached to children in a series of stories to "give our youth a better understanding of the Jewish problem" and to "foster in children the courage to do what must be done to ensure the supremacy of the white race" (878). This literature gives them an outlet to reach, convince, and lead people towards violence and absolutely must be stopped. I hereby support a constitutional amendment permitting states to outlaw literature "calculated to instill in children attitudes of violent animosity toward any racial, religious, or national-origin group." Unless congress passes this legislation the civil, diverse, and free country we live in is in serious jeopardy.
John Stuart Mill's Argument:.
I will start by introducing my harm principle, "the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others". This theory rules out such things as legal paternalism, that the state should never interfere with an individual's freedom, such as the liberty of thought and expression, simply for his or her own good. I oppose this proposed amendment to the constitution based on it being legal paternalism. .
I oppose such legislation because it bans the distribution of literature. Literature is a written expression of one's ideas, values, and feelings. Destroying distribution is the government restricting a person's liberty of thought and expression. Under no circumstance is this action tolerable because dismissing the minority opinion is neglecting everyone.