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A Look At Nationalism

            The country that I have chose to focus on for this assignment is Rwanda. I had heard a lot about Rwanda on the news in past years, but I never really had a clear idea of what was going on in their country. After the research I have done I now know that they have been really shaky for the past ten years. I will begin with a brief chronology, continue with the current status and conclude with my view point.
             In October of 1990, the Rwandan Patriotic Front attacked bases in Uganda. The Rwandan Patriotic Front consisted of mostly refugees, or descendants of refugees. There were refugees that had left Rwanda in the 1960's because of another government conflict. For the next two years there was an invasion of the Rwandan Patriotic Front along with a civil war. During this time there was grave concern about anti-government conspiracy, and several thousand people were arrested. Tensions grew when the government failed to respond to citizens wanting to see an acting democracy developed. The country's political leader, Habyarimana, was conspiring against alliances, and was forming militias that would kill anyone they suspected of antigovernment activities.
             In July of 1992 there was a cease fire and negotiations were discussed. About a year later the negotiations were closed and a transitional government was established. There were elections that were suppose to be held within two years of the new government being established. Habyarimana continued to play both sides of the field. He pretended to support the new government while at the same time continuing with the militias. He found ways to create tension in the country. There were fuel fears, and Felicien Gatabazi, the leader of Rwanda's Social Democratic party, was killed by assassins. .
             In April of 1994 Habyarimana's plane exploded. No one had been blamed for the death, but there were reports that rockets were fired at the plane.

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