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Compliance Of Male And Female Drivers At Stop Signs

             The data for this study was collected at a stop sign located on the corner of Carlisle Street and Normal Avenue, on the outskirts of the Montclair State University campus. The observers collected data Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am and 12:00 pm. The subjects consisted of 220 accidental samples of vehicles that emerged on the stop sign, meaning that each car was chosen without any reason other than the fact that they were simply driving through this intersection. The observers recorded the sex of the driver as well as the type of stop the driver made at the stop sign. The sample consisted of 103 female drivers (46.8%) and 117 male drivers (53.2%). .
             The observers stood unobtrusively on a corner across the street from the target stop sign. They had observed each accidental sample, the vehicle, as they immerged onto the stop sign. The observed variables were the gender and the type of stop made. The stopping variable was observed using four conditions which include; not stopping at all (1), slowing down (2), stopping before or after the designated stop line at the sign (3), and not stopping at all (4). Two observers were at the stop sign recording their data independently. .
             A Chi Squares analysis of the data shows that gender is a significant factor in the driver's compliance at stop signs. X2= (3,220) = 11.24, p=.010. The rate of compliance of the vehicles that approached the stop sign in four different conditions indicates that 6.8% of females and 18.8% of males did not stop at all. In condition 2, 47.6% of females and 31.6% of males slowed down at the stop sign. In condition 3, 20.4% of females and 28.2% of males stopped before or after the line and in condition 4, 25.2% of females and 21.4% of males came to a complete stop. This data can also be found in Table 1. .
             Many studies have been done in exploration of what determines male and female behavior behind the wheel.

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