This explains, for instance, the medieval emphasis on philosophy. .
Natural knowledge became prevalent at the end of the middle Ages. "Philosophy was discredited, the link between theology and the sciences broken; and man began to work out an approach to life that was independent of religion, independent of God. Secularism was born.
During this period the Hebrew people continued to teach their children the ways of God, rejecting pagan culture. Anti-Semitism continued to flourish. Christians believed horrendous lies about the Jews and therefore continued to separate from anything Jewish. The Black Death that ravaged Europe, wiping out about one-third of Europe's entire population, was blamed on the Jews. Christians believed the lies that the Jews secretly contaminated the wells with a poison mixture made of spiders, lizards, and the hearts of Christians. As a result, thousands of Jews were butchered by angry mobs and Jewish children under the age of seven were baptized and reared as Christians after their families were murdered. .
Wisdom in the Christian Community After the peace of the church, in the reign of Constantine, Christianity began to make converts amid the educated classes. More than ever before, the church was brought into direct confrontation with the dilemma offered by pagan ideals of education and the perfect man. To a large extent the confrontation took place over classical literature. A majority of citizens were of the literary/rhetorical tradition. The issue was over the classical worldview. Within the circle of orthodoxy many answers were given. After long trial and debate, what was finally settled upon has affected our intellectual culture to this day.