This procedure is recommended for women over 35 years of age and for couples who are at risk for passing a genetic or sex-linked genetic disease to their offspring. However, the problem with this testing is that it can come back with false-positive readings meaning it reads that your fetus has an abnormality when in reality it doesn't. In this case, the fetus could then be aborted when nothing was wrong, but the test had a false reading. Also, some might alter their reproductive plans (including the abortion of a healthy fetus) because they are confused about the impression of risk created by testing results (B. Wilfond and N. Fost).
On the other hand, pre-implantation genetic testing is the use of the male's sperm and the female's egg through invitro fertilization to come up with some possible embryos, which can be used to detect disease. The healthy embryos can be implanted into the women's uterus, while the diseased ones are discarded. So, through your own morals you may elicit that by discarding the diseased fetuses you are essentially killing them. When looking at this concept the idea of fertility drugs also arises. When women have the option to take fertility drugs because they are having trouble becoming pregnant, in many cases, the result is multiple fetuses. When this occurs pregnancy reduction is recommended. This means that several fetuses will be destroyed in order to have no more than a triplet pregnancy, thereby improving the likelihood of unimpaired survival for the remaining fetuses (Len Fleck).
By allowing women to take the tests mentioned above and then being given the option to terminate the pregnancy is unethical. When the woman decided to procreate, a value was being assigned to life. If it was so important to conceive and begin this life it should be equally important to finish it. Morally we are saying that if things are not perfect we dispose of them.