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Children In "The Brothers Karamazov

             group a schoolboys on a bridge. Alyosha meets these boys, who all seem to be carrying rocks, .
             on a bridge. He starts up a casual conversation with them, but soon finds out that they are not in .
             the mood to talk. There's another schoolboy, by himself, on the other side of the bridge who .
             throws a rock into the crowd. The boys retaliate, so he throws another rock and this one hits .
             Alyosha in the shoulder. The boys cry out that they are aiming for him because he was a .
             Karamazov. Alyosha goes over to the boy, who is bleeding after getting hit in the head with a .
             rock, and asks him why he was throwing the rocks. The boy tells him to leave him alone, so .
             Alyosha tells him that he wasn't teasing him and walks away, and as soon as he does this he gets .
             hit in the back with a rock. The boy tires to provoke Alyosha to fight him, but Alyosha won't .
             have it. The boy realizing that he won't attack ran at Alyosha and bit his hand. Alyosha .
             screamed in pain, then after bandaging his finger asks the child if he's happy now that he's .
             badly wounded him. He again tells the child that he doesn't know him and doesn't understand .
             why he's doing what he's doing. The boy now breaks down into tears and runs away, leaving .
             Alyosha there with his finger almost bit off. (161-164).
             This story shows children as what children are; little adults. Children can be just as cruel .
             as adults, so why should they be treated differently? Why feel so sorry for a child who dies if .
             they were just as cruel as some adult? I don't know the answer to that question, but it's a point .
             that should be brought up. The boy that bit Alyosha's finger had a reason, which you find out .
             about later, but the other boys who were throwing stones at the him had been making fun of him .
             earlier that day and he wanted vengeance, and it just so happened that Alyosha came along. This .
             chapter shows suffering to children in that children will suffer sometimes for the actions of their .

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