The time frame for project completion is six months and the project will not exceed the $200,000 budget at the time of completion. Once each objective is completed according the WBS and timeline, it will be evaluated. Each objective will be compared to the Mission and Goals statement for accuracy and quality assurance. A representative from the corporation will evaluate each task to ensure completion. Each component will be tested by a select group of individuals that will be using the new system. .
Risks to Project Completion.
As with any project there will be risks involved that could hamper efforts to complete tasks successfully. The following chart will assess the risk levels to the project.
When dealing with the risks of using an outside source such as a contracted company to do the web site frame work, it should be set up in the contract that if for some reason the contracted web development company falls behind schedule they would be panelized a dollar amount for every day they are behind. This incentive will help to make sure that they keep within the schedule parameters. This of coarse will bar an act of God or some unforeseen catastrophe not directly related to performance of the contracted company. .
When initializing bidding for the contract, a secondary company should be included into the contract so that should something happen to halt production of the web site frame work, say the primary company goes out of business or on strike, they would by default inherit the contract and all work done by the primary company. .
HTML language training has the potential to take longer than projected. Part of the plan to make sure this does not happen is to train an employee who is already familiar with program structures and has the basic concept of what goes into writing code. If by chance this still does not help then overtime will be authorized for extra training sessions. .
To ensure that the marketing and content teams come together in agreement on what should and should not go on the web site, corporate policies should be set up before content meetings are underway.