When Monica finally opened the letter a flutter of emotions overcame her and.
she kissed Quincy. Through the act of presenting herself, or face work, Monica.
followed her heart unknowingly. Quincy only confirmed his feelings for her by.
surprising Monica with a kiss in return. Sparks flew for both of them as the.
emotional tone of the movie went from relief of the acceptance to an uncovered.
crush. They audience was aware of the affection they had when they were little.
and Monica first moved and they kissed each other for the first time at the.
age of eleven. Both of them received a confirmation that was needed from the.
age of eleven to a young adult. The confirmation that they received from each.
other was essential for their relationship to grow and achieve a sexual.
intimacy. They were now confident enough to be as open and as intimate as.
making love. For Monica this was the culmination of two important things her.
self-esteem after losing her championship and her realization of her love for.
Quincy. Quincy on the other hand opened his eyes to more then the girl next.
door but the feelings that have been locked away for some time. Through.
confirmation of their relationship Monica could finally be open to something.
different then basketball, love.
Monica began struggling in her basketball career as soon as she arrived at the.
University. She began to realize that she wasn't the "big man on campus".
anymore and she had something to prove. Monica continued her relationship with.
Quincy while still maintaining her basketball passion. As things got more.
intense for her athletically, Monica was pulled in another direction and away.
from Quincy. Monica tried to keep her relationship at the same intensity it.
was before they left for college, but she was unaware of Quincy's feelings.
Differentiation continued to occur as Monica improved her basketball skills.
and she continued to have the self concept she had before she left.