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A Farewell to Arms

            Hemingway's attitude during the book was portrayed through Henry. His attitude at the beginning was it's just a war and it will last a long time. Hemingway seemed like his attitude portrayed by Henry was he didn't mind being in the war, but he didn't love the war nor hate it. It seems to me like school, Henry was able to see his friends like us teenagers when school starts, but when the bombing starts(homework) he didn't want to be there.
             It was that time of year again and Henry was ready for it. The attacks didn't start until it was spring. Lieutenant Henry loved being an ambulance driver on the Italian front. He didn't mind being in the war because he was far enough from the main attacks on Austria.
             During the war Henry had many friends, a priest, captain, major, doctor, and some officers. He usually got drunk with these men during the war. They would always tease the priest, but the priest handled it very well. Henry had respect for the priest, he was different then his friends. His best friend was Rinaldi, he was a doctor. Rinaldi introduced Henry to Miss Barkley and would later turn out that they would fall in love.
             Miss Barkley was different than Henry expected, but he loved her even though she didn't believe him. Henry was later wounded by a trench mortar shell and was nearly killed. He was moved to a hospital away from the war to Milan. He was the only patient there and was taken care of very well. His dear Catherine was able to move up there and be a nurse for the hospital that Henry was staying at. They would secretly at night talk about getting married and about how they were for each other.
             Henry was in the hospital for a long time and was treated by a major which helped Henry get out of the bed faster thanks to the major's surgery. He recovered from his wounds and enjoyed staying with Catherine and away from the war because he was with her. He did many fun things in Milan, he went to the races and bet and took long walks in the park with Catherine.

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