No matter what he tried, this day was going to keep cycling back around over and over and over again. He began to comprehend his complete lack of control.
It's our mortality as humans that define who we are. The very fact that we can choose our actions, and use reason to predict their consequences is what makes up the fabric of our existence. To a certain extent, we have control over what happens to us and around us. But when that control is stripped away, that's when we start to lose our solid ground. Phil began to panic and he tried to kill himself. Amazingly, he succeeded - several times. After this is when we truly began to see him comprehend his situation. In "Candide", when the hero was forced into military service, he refused to accept his loss of choice and walked away. He was immediately put into prison which made him question, in his innocence, if he truly had freedom and choices in the first place. Phil reaches this same point. At first, he is thrilled to have so many choices available and no consequences. He can rob an armored car, buy a limousine and new clothes, he can sleep with as many women as he wants, and he can follow any action to its eventual "consequence" as many times as he wants. Because, in the end, he"ll always wake up back at the starting line, as though nothing has happened. But then, towards the end, the real truth begins to dawn on him, just as it did Candide. Phil realized that he really didn't have any freedom because he always ended up at the exact same place every single morning. Nothing really mattered. Candide and his friends also reached the same conclusion. They finally decided to tend to their garden and to let go of the future. The Underground Man, Candide, Hedda Gabler and Daru all came to the realizations that Man, in all his intellectual glory, had only two real choices before him: life or death. Within life, there is a multitude of choices but all will eventually lead to the same place in the end.
Groundhog Day , starring Bill Murray, is a film about a television weatherman named Phil who relives the same day, 2 March, over and over again. ... This realisation is, in part, brought out by supernatural forces in Groundhog Day and by a manager's harsh words in A & P . However, in each work, the female protagonist, Rita in Groundhog Day and the character nicknamed 'Queenie' in A & P , acts as a catalyst, inspiring and motivating the main character to change. ... In Groundhog Day , Sammy refers to his customers as "pigs" and "sheep". ... Once the change has been completed h...
She stands for all the people we meet, every day - people we know nothing about but about whom we make assumptions based upon our own sets of prejudices - how a person dresses, speaks, the colour of their skin, the job they do or do not do, the music they listen to ..add your own ideas. ... Have you seen "Groundhog Day"? ...
What if a demon enters your room and tells you that you must live every day of your life as you lived them a million times before and will live them a million times more, each day exactly the same (not like in the moving Groundhog Day, but more like a "Ground Hog" Life, only you would not remember the pervious lives). ... If we lived every day of our lives the same way he had done before, then rejecting of redemption myths, accepting God is dead, and moving towards the Overhuman, become as distant as Romanticism, because one would have done them a hundred times before and will do it a hundred...
Staying at home all day, she cooks and cleans happily while the man works all day and his only contribution to the family duties is tossing around a ball in the evening with the kids. ... Until the last day, you can tell that she is suspicious and reserved. ... She continues to go beyond the stereotype as the last day progresses on. ... The final and most significant case in point is after the day is over. The repetition of the same day is at last over and Rita is still there with Phil in his room. ...