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             The Mediterranean Sea is significantly accredited for the spreading of drama and theatrical performance. Beginning in Egypt, drama was used for celebrations, and as a form of honor to their gods. Evidence of this was discovered in the form of wall paintings and hieroglyphics. Drama then spread to Greece, where the foundations were laid soon thereafter. The first documentation of theatrical performance was found in Knossos, Crete around fifth century B.C. In Greek culture, drama was used not only as a form of entertainment, but also as a method of educating the public. Plays dealt with immense issues concerning family, war, peace, morality and power. Flamboyant masks and vibrant costumes compensated for the lack of scenery and helped capture the attention of the audience. .
             So as drama grew in Greece, Rome grew in itself, and eventually took over. Although Romans took power from the Grecians, they adored Greek culture so much that they adopted it as their own. This included architecture, literature, and artwork but primarily drama. Meanwhile, Christianity covered over 90% of the Roman Empire, and the Christian Church demanded that drama and all forms of theatrical performance should .
             discontinue. .
             The Church felt that drama caused people and their views to stray from Christianity and this was considered immoral. Although drama and theatrical performance ended in Rome, it had already amalgamated to neighboring countries that adopted it as their own and granted it transformation. Rome provided the majority of the fuel needed to bolster drama and popularize its concepts. Within time, the use of theatre slowly, but surely, gained stronger meaning and began to be known and exercised for other uses besides entertainment. .
             Today, with social and economical development remaining strong, the public embraces its own opinions on many different issues that stand throughout the world. Drama is a popular tool to use as a way of communicating these diverse beliefs and allowing them to cross the threshold into society.

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