minutes per vehicle. The parking lot is one large open area with ample lighting, so bight .
that one may turn off their vehicle headlights and still see clearly. It is also patrol by .
MP's one hour prior to opening the main gate and one hour after closing of the entrance .
and exit gate. All this makes the shoppers feel safe and secure while they are shopping.
I have concentrated on shoplifting in this paper as that the overall crime that one .
might find in an average store and surrounding areas (such as muggings, rape, theft, .
robbery of individual, robbery of cars, etc.) do not exist here on post due to the Threat .
Con level we are currently under. If you direct your attention now to the page with the .
number of shoplifting's graph on it you will see that on average for this store there is an .
average of three shoplifters apprehended a month. The peek seasons are during the .
summer (when the kids are out of school) and December (as the month for the civilian .
side also) due to the Christmas season. To explain the graph, located on the bottom of the .
graph are the months and on the left hand side is the number of shoplifters apprehended .
for that month. As you can see, here on post, has a very low amount of shoplifting .
compared with the average off post store. One reason for this is that the Military Uniform .
Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) has strict punishments for these offenses and they can .
also hold the service member responsible for their dependents of the crime of shoplifting. .
More on this latter in the paper. .
If you will now direct your attention to the Power Zone Store diagram exhibit "B", .
you will see that this is basically like an electronic store in the civilian world. There is .
one door (push-pull) for the entrance and one (sliding glass) for the exit. The exit door is .
set up with merchandise theft alarms in a manner that all persons exiting the store must .
exit thru them. This store has seven (7) Closed-circuit television (CCTV) located by a .