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Mafia History

When the town people heard her cries, an angry mob rose and swiftly killed the local French regime. As the tale spread, to other regions they to rose up against the invaders with a cry of revenge, until the island was ridden of all foreign invaders. .
             There has been speculation that even another version of the beginning of the mafia began when the French invaded in 1282. many of the patriotic Sicilians retaliated with their own motto, "Morre Alla Francia Italia anela!!" (Death to the French is Italy's cry!!) Whether or not these legends are true is not known but historians report that there actually was a massive peasant uprising to free Sicily of its French invaders.
             Another theory of where the world "Mafia" is derived from believes that it comes from an old Arabic word meaning, "place of refuge" or simply, "hideaway". Arabic's made a great influence in Sicily's history and culture, also many customs and local dialects have origin in North Africa. Even when Sicilians came to America there practiced some of these Arabic traditions, such as when young Sicilian women would sit outside there homes facing away from the streets while the mother would sit facing the street.
             Although we do not know the exact origin of the Mafia, we can guess that it derived from a countries desire to break away from oppression. This was the need of the ordinary peasant trying to escaped persecution or even simply to protect his family or even his flock from mountain bandits. We also know it was clearly a secret underground society, one which protected and sheltered the ordinary people and enforced justice that the local authorities failed to enforce. Basically the Mafia was emerging out of necessity in a land suffering under heavy lawlessness, persecution and oppression.
             "The Change from Necessity".
             Over time the Mafia grew and became stronger and more prevalent in society. As time passed the dominant local families became powerful and ran the Mafia.

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