Although the party was, according to its name, a party for the working class, most of the membership came from the middle class and were between twenty five and thirty five years old and many were former soldiers who came home without a profession. Of these, many were violent by nature and were attracted by the prospect of street brawling. Generally, the early Nazis were characterized by three qualities: A fierce love of Germany, a hatred for Jews, and fear of communism. Within a month, Hitler had overhauled party propaganda with grand plans. He began to organize a huge rally and rented an auditorium that seated nearly 2,000. His fellow members thought he had lost his mind. The people of Munich, curious about this new party and its fiery spokesman, almost filled the hall. He spoke for nearly four hours, outlining Germany's economic troubles and placing the blame on the Jews. What should be done, he screamed, with those who have done this to Germany? "Hang them!" the crowd screamed back. Hitler then presented his 25 point plan. All Germans were to be united in a single nation. German citizenship was to be reserved for those of pure Aryan .
blood. "No Jew, therefore," Hitler said," may be a member of the nation." It was at that point the party would soon become known as the Nazi party. .
Hitler knew that most people would be more easily unified by visible symbols than by abstract ideas. Such as the Swastika, this was abused by the KKK constantly. As early as 1920, the Nazi Salute was the right arm held out stiffly at an angle, this was a .
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greeting heil, variously translated as saved, or healed. Years later, when Hitler had become absolute leader of the Nazis, the greeting became "Heil, Hitler." With Hitler winning the majority of the people, National elections were held on July 31st. The Nazis received 13.7 million votes, won 230 seats in Reichstag, and replaced the social democrats as the largest party.