Totalitarian regimes can be considered also under the name of despotism, which have the early characteristics of Totalitarian regimes. A single individual who rules under the law is a constitutional monarch; someone who rules arbitrarily, according to caprice, is a tyrant. So totalitarianism can be considered a tyrannical constitutional monarch. The main difference obviously would be considered to be the fact that the individual that is leading the totalitarian regime would be considered a tyrant. This person would rule to there own liking and they would do whatever they thought was in the good of the nation. This leader might think that they were doing the right thing for their country but likely would not be. The main difference between totalitarianism and the constitutional monarchy is the fact that there is terror. On the concept of Political Good, totalitarian regimes are in fact the eyes of the beholder. The leader in totalitarian regimes does not have to answer to anyone. They lead and they do what ever they want. Often in Totalitarian regimes the leaders and the citizens, have different ideals. The leader rules with power, without anyone's other ideas in their head. In totalitarian regimes there is very often violence and other forms of persecution, which causes widespread panic amongst the people. Fear is also present among the people, this forces the people of a particular area to conform and not rebel against the tyrannical leader. Corruption is present to a certain extent within totalitarian regimes. In totalitarian regimes there is a high amount of conformity because the leader says to do something and they do not want anyone to rebel against the government. So in the way of corruption, the government uses political propaganda to, in a way trick the people of the particular society. The government controls all of the means of communication and makes sure that nothing is every on the television or radio, that could force the people of the particular society to rebel.