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Political Theory

The communist belief that by the getting rid of private property all together they are in someway making it better for the vast majority of the population, is I believe nothing more than a way for them to promote their ideas through the manipulation of words and language.
             Marx also tells us of the Communist idea that with the abolition of person property, and individual freedoms, comes not a new and different example of freedom, but an old and historical one: .
             "The communal relationship into which the individuals of a class entered, and which was determined by their common interests over and against a third party, was always a community to which these individuals belonged only as average individuals, only in so far as they lived within the conditions of existence of their class---a relationship in which they participated not as individuals but as members of a class. With the community of revolutionary proletarians, on the other hand, who take their conditions of existence and those of all members of society under their control, it is just the reverse; it is as individuals that the individuals participate in it." (Marx pg.181) .
             His belief is that the freedom that a community made up of people of all of the same class, and standing within the community, does not need individual freedoms because they have these so-called freedoms that are created by a communal society.
             In the Communist point of view the abolition of all personal freedoms and individual liberties is necessary in order to achieve a new classless society based on economic rather than political or social values. This abolition of the private property, which provides the means for individual freedom, is replaced by the freedom of a community to be without classes, and a structure of oppression, and rule by the elite, which is felt by the Communists to be the greatest evil faced by governments throughout history. Marx writes at the very end of his German Ideology:.

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