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Affirmative Action

             One of a corporation's largest objectives is to have a diverse work team. Affirmative action policies have been successful in employing diverse groups of people. "Equal opportunity cannot just be a slogan that philosophizes good deeds, but must become a part of the organization's management objectives ." (Hill).Many successful corporate entities have followed this philosophy in choosing their employees. Corporations take into account the workers" qualifications, education, experience, and other factors. "We are in a strong economy where corporations are competing for quality workers and the majority of new entrants into the labor markets are women and minorities" (Leporini). Affirmative action of minority groups, therefore, has proven its worth in our economy. .
             University admissions are another institution that must use affirmative action laws because of the continuing challenge of groups such as women and different races. Recently, the University of Michigan's undergraduate admission policy was reviewed by the supreme court and was deemed unconstitutional (Hocker). President Bush was quoted saying "I strongly support diversity of all kinds, including racial diversity in higher education, but the method used by the University of Michigan to achieve this goal is fundamentally flawed"(Graves). Minorities have challenged university admissions because they felt like they were discriminated and have kept them from obtaining equal opportunities in today's workforce. Because these minority groups have challenged the entrance requirements of many universities, it has rewarded them with high economic success in their future. "A study of the Federal Contract Compliance program, which requires larger federal contractors to make a good faith effort to meet goals and timetables for hiring and promoting minorities and women, found that female employment rose 15.2% at those companies to 16%"(Mann).

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