Society became not dependant of personal products but factory made cheaper ones. Society shifted from manufacturing to one of capital. Money was what fueled development. Development did not occur and cannot occur because creativity is not at play. Thus, though capitalism improves humans by giving them many amenities, it does not help it socially. Marx thought that the antithesis was the fallback of human society because of the change to capitalism. As he calls the lower class, proletarians were being used for their labor and the middle class, the bourgeoisie were becoming their exploiters. Marx felt that society would crash if this kept on going. He thought that the synthesis was for the proletarians to rise up and demand parts of the profits of a corporation and their equal share of industry. He wanted capitalism to turn into a kind of socialism. .
Marx believed that Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution were problems only for the poor. He believed that the bourgeoisie were not affected badly at all by the revolution. He felt like the proletarians were being abused by unfair wages, long hours, and unsanitary working conditions. He believed that these had laborers were facing a form of slavery, one that was blunt and apparent. They were being used and denied capital that they worked for. That is why Marx thought of this problem like a class struggle. He demanded for the proletarians to rise up and fight for not higher wages or shorter hours but for all of the capital and resources that these corporations and the bourgeoisie owed them. He wanted society to change radically. He wanted workers to own where they worked for. He did not want a return to manufacturing, but something greater. He wanted a socialist society one where everyone owned a part of for they worked at. He wanted a classless society. .
H. G. Wells on the other hand envisioned the future as having a thesis and antithesis but no synthesis.