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Hindu Tolerance

             In this reading Sharma does a great job of laying out what tolerance is and how it relates to Hinduism. The best example of this to me was in the second part of chapter four. Sharma really broke down each aspect of tolerance as he explained different aspects of the term tolerance. He showed how the Hindu culture reacting and looked upon certain situations. At first I found this reading hard to follow, but when I reached the second part of the chapter I felt much better about what I was reading. The nine different sections of part two really gave me a great understanding of what was going on.
             In the first part of the chapter Sharma asked different questions about consciousness. Sharma went through four questions one after another was answered. The final conclusion was that everything comes down to consciousness. The questions that were asked had to do with music, sexual feeling, God, and truth. Everything was then gradually broken down to consciousness. This helped me realize that in Hinduism any person can decide what they want to worship. .
             Sharma started the second part of the chapter by giving the exact definition of tolerance. Which lead into showing what Hindu tolerance .
             does not mean. Sharma uses Gandhi to separate tolerance and approval. This part especially interested me because Sharma used Gandhi to show what tolerance does not mean. To me there is no better example of a person that had more tolerance than Gandhi. There couldn't be a better person to back Sharma up on this point. Sharma talked next about conflict and said, "Tolerance does not mean the absence of conflict but represents an attitude towards it both during and after it." Sharma goes on to make several more points that explain what tolerance doesn't mean. The best example for myself was the when Sharma talked about Hindu's being able to worship any God they want. A person could be loyal to one God without pressuring any other person to feel the same way or tell them they may be wrong.

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