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Breaking Free From The Mold

             "We estimate that only about fourteen percent of the total work force has the combination of university degrees, authority on the job, and high income to qualify for the upper-middle class"(Gilber and Kohl 436). This statement proves my point of the advantages of a higher education as it directly links a high level of education to the ability to attain high enough income and prestige to become a part of the upper classes. It is a proven fact that the comparison between yearly wages of a degree holding worker are significantly higher than that of one that has no more than a high school education. Knowing this, I ask, why would anyone settle for less than a post high school education? The American dream is knowing that no matter who you are you can have the chance to make something great with your life. Opportunity is another huge part of that dream, and opportunity is everywhere just waiting to be snatched up "by the ears" and put into action. Scholarships, loans, grants, and more and more chances for a higher education show themselves everyday. The catch is that they will not find you. You, the young people in this nation who will soon begin to choose your future, must go out and look for the opportunities and take advantage of every one you can. With effort comes rewards, and rewards are what every one desires.
             Growing up I dreamed, just as everyone does, that I would become a part of that elite top class. Throughout my adolescence I have been striving to make that dream come true. I am in college now studying political science in hopes of getting the chance to attend a very high level law school. It is something that I am putting my whole heart into and because of the huge amount of effort I put into it, I know that it will happen. In Charles Murray's "Separation of the Classes", he writes that in 1988, the difference in wages of a high school graduate and a college graduate was about sixty percent more for the college graduate.

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