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Emperor Kangxi

            Considered one of the greatest rulers of all time, Emperor Kangxi brought China to a height of power unequaled by his predecessors. He brought China out of the dark ages by learning and introducing Western sciences that the Chinese had previously shielded themselves from. He also took an interest in Catholicism, a religion which was looked down upon by previous emperors. Although he did many things that were unheard of at the time they obviously made a difference due to the number of breakthroughs that occurred in China's culture and economy. .
             When he first came into power he was only seven and too young to rule. Therefore Oboi, a regent, was given control of the kingdom. Oboi had plans to overtake the throne for himself. He had a reputation for delighting in torture and was a harsh, cruel ruler. He had already planted many of his followers in places of power and was very close to giving himself full power over China. However, when he was fifteen, Kangxi had the sadistic regent assassinated and took the throne that was rightfully his. .
             Kangxi proved to be a wise and capable ruler once he was given control of the Chinese Empire. He quelled all rebellions, creating a peace that lasted over a hundred years. He had the most complete Chinese dictionary in the world compiled. Truly Kangxi was one of the greatest rulers China ever had.

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