The idea that we are somehow not able to see or experience this fourth dimension is an interesting idea. It makes sense that we would assume, like the coy, higher dimensional forces would somehow become visible in our three visual dimensions. Just as the rain shoots through the ponds surface, things in the fourth dimension push through into our world. However, why would we assume such things? Nature is constant throughout the universe, at least we believe so. Where have we been able to see a four dimensional object or create one in a lab? When has anyone been able to "enter- the fourth dimension? Is there a magic portal to it somewhere? It could be argued that places like the "Bermuda Triangle- are these gateways, but explanations like theses become far too complicated. According to "Occam's Razor- the simplest explanation is the most likely. How can an unfolded hypercube be folded up in four-dimensional space? It cannot. The fourth dimension cannot be a visual dimension. If it was, I would have to imagine nature would have allowed us to experience it as it was designed, visually. As dimensions increase, so too does its metric tensor, causing space to become much more curved and, therefore, much smaller. Just as the coy can experience other forces in the pond, we can experience higher dimensional forces on ourselves. Einstein was genius because of his simple, child-like questions and answers. He gave us the answer and proof that time is the answer to the fourth dimension. If we continue on this train of thought, it appears that things that we feel and experience everyday are nothing more than affects of higher dimensional forces, although they may not be seen.
Breaking through the Assumption of Classical Physics.
An assumption that has dominated the idea of classical physics is that things must either be a wave or a particle. It may seem like a simple enough idea, but it has caused more problems than answers since the mid-nineteenth centaury.