The second section, Circuits of Power, retold stories of how the public reacted to the whole thing. It also dealt with the philosophical side of capitalism. The final major section of the book, Managing a Dream Culture, displayed the managerial aspects of capitalism and the people behind it. Then, the last pages illustrate how the history in the book affected our country today, hence the its Legacies. It pretty much sums up why what happened was important and such. "This book exhibits how this older culture was challenged and was gradually superseded by the new culture,". That pretty much sums up the first section of the book, Strategies of Enticement. Within this chapter you see the clear path towards capitalism being chosen. It starts out with what led up to the idea of capitalism, including the merchant John Wanamaker and the retail wars. It sets up the most vital history to understanding the whole transmission into capitalism. The next step to the up and rising consumer industry was the elaborate and aesthetically pleasing forms of advertisement that began. It all began with the advertising cards and eventually led to billboards and electrical advertising. This is also one of the first times that Baum is discussed, this time concerning his manual on "the arts of decorating and display". This was really the chapter of advertisement's roots. One of the last chapters of this section is about fashion and the effect it had on the market. It also links the wants of the US consumers to the haves of the European consumers, specifically France. The first of many fashion shows begin arising here and the impact that foreign countries have on what is "in" and "out" begin here. Later on, Oriental fashion shows up in a similar way. The final chapter in this section goes into the detail of the first customer services. It begins the linkage between capitalism and religion here due to the fact that many of the ideals in customer services were similar to those ideals of Christians.