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             We can even see signs of ecological unbalance from our own home. On a some clear nights a strange kind of cloud is often visible in the sky. This is a "noctilucent" cloud that has formed because of buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere. This excess methane gas carries more water vapor into the atmosphere and condenses at much higher altitudes than the sun will strike.
             It is important to realize that environmental issues should be considered a global matter. Even when it seems to happen only in a small area it is actually affecting the dynamics of the whole Earth. The 600% increase in the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere has taken place not just in those countries producing chlorofluorocarbons, it has taken place in the common air. Such is the case with global warming.
             During this century there have been dramatic changed in two areas: population and technology. These changes have affected our relationship with the environment. The equivalent of one China's worth of people is summed to the population every ten years. This has a profound impact on the ecosystem because it needs to sustain a greater number of people every time, until there just aren't enough resources to go around.
             In order to tackle the problem in the ecology it is necessary to change the way we perceive these problems. People tend to think that stopping this train of destruction is out of their reach, or that it shouldn't be a problem for them because it will take too many years to develop. Another common problem is the media's interpretation of it. For example, sometimes when 98% of scientists have an opinion and only 2% differ, both theories are given the same weight by the media without specifying the ratios. This gives the idea that they are both equally credible. The White House itself has been found to try to lessen the gravity of the situation in order to preserve positivism. Almost all scientist agree that global warming is real and that we need to act now.

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