32). Auxilaries are soldiers and minor civil servants (Hacker 32). .
Finally the Workers, are composed of farmers and artisans, most .
commonly unskilled laborers (Hacker 32). The Guardians are to be wise .
and good rulers. It is important that the rulers who emerge must be a .
class of craftsmen who are public-spirited in temperament and skilled .
in the arts of government areas (Hacker 33). The guardians are to be .
placed in a position in which they are absolute rulers. They are .
supposed to be the select few who know what is best for society .
(Hacker 33). .
Aristotle disagrees with the idea of one class holding .
discontinuing political power (Hacker 85). The failure to allow .
circulation between classes excludes those men who may be ambitious, .
and wise, but are not in the right class of society to hold any type .
of political power (Hacker 85). Aristotle looks upon this ruling class .
system as an ill-conceived political structure (Hacker 86). He quotes .
"It is a further objection that he deprives his Guardians even of .
happiness, maintaining that happiness of the whole state which should .
be the object of legislation," ultimately he is saying that Guardians .
sacrifice their happiness for power and control. Guardians who lead .
such a strict life will also think it necessary to impose the same .
strict lifestyle on the society it governs (Hacker 86). .
Aristotle puts a high value on moderation (Hacker 81). Many .
people favor moderation because it is part-liberal and .
part-conservative. There is so much of Plato's utopia that is .
undefined and it is carried to extremes that no human being could .
ever fulfill its requirements (Hacker 81). Aristotle believes that .
Plato is underestimating the qualitative change in human character and .
personality that would have to take place in order to achieve his .
utopia (Hacker 81). Plato chose to tell the reader of his Republic how .
men would act and what their attitudes would be in a perfect society .