Texas Instruments released the first 16-bit PC although it was terribly designed. The following year, 1980, the PC industry really blew up. Among all the new releases the most notable was Radio Shacks Color Computer, even though it flopped in the sales department because of its complete incompatibility with the industry at the time. It is roughly estimated that there were one million PC's in the U.S. at this time. A genius invention was made available for purchase in 1981 when the worlds first portable computers came out. The first one was the size of a suitcase, had a small 5" screen, and sold for about $1900. The biggest event of this year was when IBM decided to jump into the PC industry. They took everything that had been introduced to the PC and improved on it greatly. Not only did they improve everything but they put it all together into one personal computer. Time magazine described 1982 as "The Year of the Computer", because of the tremendous growth of the industry. By 1983 it is estimated that ten million homes in the U.S. alone had PC's operating in them. This large number is partly thanks to improvements IBM made to the PC's components. IBM released a new advanced technology in 1984 when they introduced their new 16-bit bus and improved video greatly with EGA. Microsoft released Windows in 1985 and its DOS shell ran on even the slowest computer. A new .
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major type of software was invented when PageMaker was put on the shelves. Compaq released their PC in 1986, which had a new level of processor which was faster than all others. It also came equipped with new operating modes which would later help Microsoft in creating more efficient versions of Windows. Not much happened in 1987 besides Windows releasing a new version and the first fax card being released. For the first time a PC was infected with an internet virus that took its toll on around 6000 computers. DOS was also becoming very popular as it was now used by 30 million people.