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Austalia's Immigration Policy

             country where as the pro-immigration lobby is only concerned for the migrant or.
             their own interests.
             Australia, the world's oldest and driest continent, with severe soil degradation.
             and climatic uncertainty - a land of, "droughts and flooding rains"' already.
             faces declining agricultural productivity. Only 10% of our huge land mass is.
             arable and this land produces less grain than two small states in the USA. The.
             reality is that we always will be a small food producer by international.
             standards. Australia has a responsibility to protect its bio-diversity and not.
             allow its flora and fauna to be pushed form their habits to extinction because.
             of population or economic pressures. In comparison, the pro-immigration lobby.
             feel that we have no moral right to this land unless we push development to the.
             limit. Our population must be stabilised as elsewhere in the world.
             The use of water for irrigation, urban demand and sewage disposal, is already.
             straining supply to the limits. Our main cities have grown beyond their optimum.
             size. Pollution, traffic, urban sprawl, failing community service, crime and.
             lower quality of life are occurring. Crowed, sprawling, smog covered cities,.
             with all of the dysfunctional problems of Los Angles, are the inevitable.
             consequences of further mass immigration. Yet the government plans to double.
             the size of our major cities over the next 30 years by immigration. Is this.
             what Australians, new and old, or of and ethnic group wants?.
             The Premier of NSW, Bob Carr was right when he said, "the nation can't handle.
             more people.Sydney is bursting at the seams.the debate ought to be about.
             carrying capacity of the continent - a continent that has lousy soils, fragile.
             vegetation and depleted and degraded river systems".
             To cope with our massive immigration problem which has produced the fastest.
             population growth in the OECD, we are spending $15 billion per annum. Each year.
             Australia must build the equivalent of a city the size of Geelong, with all its.

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