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We can perceive melodies, patterns, and form in music. When a song is transposed to another key, we still recognize it, even though all of the notes have changed. 1) PROXIMITY The law of proximity states that the closer objects are to one another, the more likely we are to mentally group them together 2) SIMILARITY The law of similarity leads us to link together parts of the visual field that are similar in color, lightness, texture, shape, or any other quality 3) CONTINUITY The law of continuity leads us to see a line as continuing in a particular direction, rather than making an abrupt turn 4) CLOSURE According to the law of closure, we prefer complete forms to incomplete forms.This tendency allows us to perceive whole objects from incomplete and imperfect forms. 5)COMMON FATE The law of common fate leads us to group together objects that move in the same direction . 6) Simplicity Central to the approach of Gestalt psychologists is the law of prãgnanz, or simplicity. This general notion, which encompasses all other Gestalt laws, states that people intuitively prefer the simplest, most stable of possible organizationsFIGURE & GROUND Not only does perception involve organization and grouping, it also involves distinguishing an object from its surroundings. Notice that once you perceive an object, the area around that object becomes the background. For example, when you look at your computer monitor, the wall behind it becomes the background. The object, or figure, is closer to you, and the background, or ground, is farther away. Gestalt psychologists have devised ambiguous figure-ground relationships "that is, drawings in which the figure and ground can be reversed "to illustrate their point that the whole is different from the sum of its parts. Consider the accompanying illustration entitled Figure and Ground. You may see a white vase as the figure, in which case you will see it displayed on a dark ground.

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