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Paradise Lane

             Although William Taylor is one of the best authors in New Zealand, he well known in the United States. In the small town of Ohakune, he is a mayor and writes full time. He is a former principal and schoolteacher of twenty-five years. He is known for writing several young adult books, including The Worst Soccer Team Ever, and Break a Leg (Reed Methuen). A nineteenth century based novel, Paradise Lane, introduces two very memorable characters and their romance through hard times. .
             No one really liked Rosie Perkins. She was a quiet lonely girl that lived in a very run downed house. She never really had any friends. As she takes home an orphaned baby possum, classmates of hers tortured her with dead possums on her way home. All Rosie ever wanted was to be ignored. A distant neighbor, Michael Geraghty, feels the need to go and help her. Even though they both live right next to each other, its like they are living two different lives. Rosie's family is quiet and confined as Michael's family is very loud and big. Rosie loves Plum, her possum, and Michael catches possum for money. Even with all the differences they are drawn together. The death of Plum reveals truths about her drunken mother and her father's encouraging words cannot stop the hurt that was caused.
             This one possum changed their lives forever. Rosie was able to speak up about her mother and she gained another family. As Michael began to fall for Rosie, Michael's family invited her in with open arms. She was introduced to a life style that she was never aware of. She had people care for her and was loved. She even was invited to her first party that Michael's mother helped her get ready for. Even with the death of Plum, Rosie was pleased to know that she has made a good like for herself. .
             The story that is a tale of how a lonesome girl finds a new way to live with her new friends and family. As this story opens a romantic side is exposed.

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