Democracy and Education.
In the Book Adler points out a book written by John Dewey "Democracy and Education" written in 1916. He explains that athough this book was written so long ago it wasn't until now, this century, that democracy has become an issue regardless of "sex, race or ethnic origin (pg. 3)." Adler explains that Dewey understood this early in this century and found that both words Democracy and Education shed light on each other. The message by Dewey through his book was "that a democratic society must provide equal educational opportunity not only by giving to all its children the same quantity of public education--the same number of years in school -- but also by making sure to give all of them, all with no exceptions, the same quality of education (pg. 4)." He also tells us that although this concept was given to us early on we have, as a society, failed to meet this ideal. .
Adler states that we can no longer go on failing without grave consequences for our youth, our children, for the proper workings of our political institutions for the salvation of our economy, for the vitality of our culture, and for the ultimate good of our citizens as individuals, and especially our future citizens -- our children -- we must succeed. For the most part, we are all victims of a school system that has only gone half way to realize the promise of democray and it has taken us about eighty years to reach this half way mark to a true democracy, In addition,this half way mark has brought us closer to that goal of another great philosopher Horace Mann who Stated that "Education is the Gateway to equality (pg.4 -5)." .
Eduication will lead to Equality.
According to Adler, Horace Mann put forth this goal almost a century ago. Although this goal is halfway fulfilled I would have to agree with Adler when he states that a "goal half fulfilled, is worse than a promise broken. It is an ideal betrayed.