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Othello Vs. Aaron Race In Shakespeare

             may trumpet to the wind. My heart's subdu"d even to.
             the very quality of my lord." (Desdemona I.iii 248-251) .
             However Othello's trust in Desdemona is slowly chipped away at by Iago,.
             the villain of the play. Iago plays on the fact that Othello feels outcast because of.
             his race. This allows Iago to make Othello question Desdemona's loyalty. Iago.
             does this, in order to gain Othello's trust so that he may attempt to supplant Cassio.
             as Othello's chief lieutenant. Through out this ploy the fact that Othello is black.
             makes him uncertain of himself, however his being Black does not directly lead to.
             his down fall. .
             All of the flaws which are displayed in Othello are simply human qualities. .
             Jealously is displayed by many of Shakespeare's characters as is self doubt. These.
             are the two primary factors in Othello's down fall. He becomes jells of Cassio, one.
             of his lieutenants, whom he believes is having an affair with his wife. This is all.
             due to the cunning and plotting of Iago. Iago gets his wife to steal a handkerchief.
             from Desdemona. This is then given to Cassio by Iago. Then Othello sees the.
             handkerchief with Cassio, and this is when he is convinced that Desdemona is.
             cheating on him. For Othello to draw this conclusion shows that he is easily.
             cajoled into losing faith in his wife, and that he takes people at face value. Neither.
             of these traits can be in any way linked to his race. .
             Othello is made to be a black man in the play for visual presentation and to.
             add inner turmoil to his character. His character is isolated both physically and.
             emotionally for much of the drama. He is forced to go off to war, leaving the.
             comfort of Venice and his wife behind him. Also by being a general of the army he.
             is forced to become detached from the men who serve under him. Therefor he is.
             isolated physically much of the time. Emotionally Othello is lonely. He was.
             captured and sold .
             as a slave. This led to much danger and hardship for Othello.

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