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Ethical Warfare

I am going to act like this because that is the way I ought to act. Although it may be selfish it is persistent with the job or duty one must take when action is needed to take place. War ethics is very important. It also helps us lead to, not only the two conventions mentioned earlier, but also the rules of engagements for soldiers and the punishment of soldiers from wrongful war crimes.
             Some people ask then when is it right to wage war? It is right when war is just. And war is just when six conditions are satisfied. Those being the war must be for a just case, war must be declared by a lawful authority, the intention behind the war must be good, all other ways of resolving the problem should have been tried first, there must be a reasonable chance of success, and the means must be in proportion to the end that the war seeks to achieve. That's the basics, if you have done those or have followed those guidelines and questions one must ask himself or herself, then war in every way is a must. .
             Is it ever right to go to war? Pacificists believe that the idea of violence and war are unjustifiable, and that conflicts should be settled in a peaceful way. But what are we to do like in today's situation when Saddam Hussein of Iraq continues to contain in his possession nuclear warheads along with other weapons of mass destruction, when he also continues to take the lives of innocent women and children. We are supposed to just continue and try and resolve this matter peacefully. I don't think so people, seriously, get real. Would we like to see more tragic events like 9-11 take place on our homeland and overseas? Of course we do not. So without the use of force, how can one as a nation ask Saddam to please step down and to let us as a nation come in and run your country the way we want to run it. It is just not done that way and it never has been. England and Scotland fought for peace for many years.

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