Cannabis has been one of the most controversial drugs in our society. Used for a number of things including clothing, paper, fuel, food, and medicine, marijuana seems to be a potential cash crop. However in 1937 due to some of its medical and chemical properties, U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Marijuana Traffic Act, .
outlawing the possession and sale of marijuana. Since then the majority of countries around the world have created similar laws. Its is quite a useful plant, able to be .
manufactured into food, clothing, and more, however marijuana also has medical .
properties as well as a mind altering chemical called THC. This chemical when consumed gives the feeling of a mild euphoria, which some call a "high .
As a psychedelic recreational drug, marijuana is either eaten or smoked. Some positive effects are mood shifts, relaxation, and creativity. Some other side effects are general change in consciousness, increased appetite, slowness, tiredness, blood shot eyes, mouth dryness, interrupts linear memory, difficulty following a train of thought and short term memory loss. Marijuana makes a person more peaceful and less aggressive unlike its legal competitor alcohol. Alcohol causes people to get a false confidence and makes them aggressive.
Marijuana has been looked down upon since the 1930's for the wrong reasons. It has been misunderstood and classified as a schedule 1 drug such as heroin. However evidence has proven that marijuana is only as harmful as alcohol is, which is legal. Marijuana is one crop, which we could use for medical uses, manufactured goods, and recreation. However, until our government realizes it errors, this fruitful substance will remain something of a mystery to most. However at the end of the day most citizens will not be affected if marijuana is legalized. Some may feel better from their sickness and some may have a little fun. Marijuana laws should be reformed to fit the need of the .