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             Calcium is best absorbed when taken in small amounts throughout the day.
             More isnt necessarily better, too much calcium can flood your body's absorption sites and keep you from getting enough iron.
             Drink plenty of fluids.
             Consult your doctor about possible interactions with your current medication.
             Vitamin D.
             Vitamin D Plays an important role in calcium absorption and in bone health. Vitamin D allows calcium to leave the intestine and enter the blood stream to be absorbed. Vitamin D is formed naturally in the body after fifteen minutes of exposure to sunlight. Studies show that vitamin D production decreases in the winter and is lower in people who are elderly or housebound. These individuals may require a Vitamin supplement to ensure a daily intake of at least 400 IU(International Units). Most multivitamins and some calcium supplements contain vitamin D. check the label for the amount. Other sources are fortified dairy products, egg yolks, saltwater fish and liver.
             Exercise and Osteoporosis.
             Exercise is an important part of any osteoporosis prevention or treatment program. While exercise alone cannot prevent osteoporosis, weight-bearing and resistance training exercises have been shown to play an important role in balance and coordination. Exercise helps maintain bone mass, which in turn, lowers the risk of developing this disease. .
             Exercise that forces you to work against gravity - weight-bearing exercises - are most beneficial. Examples are: Walking, Jogging, racquet sports, hiking, dancing and stair climbing. .
             If you have osteoporosis you should speak to your doctor or ask for a referral to a specialist in physical medicine to learn what type of exercises you can do safely not only to preserve bone, but also to strengthen your back and hips and maintain flexibility and balance. One exercise that is appropriate for almost everyone is WALKING. Most people find walking outdoors more satisfying than walking indoors, but should the climate or your circum stances make this undesirable, walking indoors is a good substitute.

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