Why do we prevent them from taking care of them the best way they know?.
Another thing is also said that donors (sellers), since they are poor, are more likely to be uneducated and would not fully comprehend the risks they face. I agree that those people may not be well informed about the risks associated with their decision, but to prevent and prohibit them from donating their organs in exchange for some kind compensation, is not good enough. We still didn't found the way to "make" new organs when we need them. Instead, we have to depend on donors to make the decision of giving up their organs to help save somebody's life. Today, in a hospitals there is a mandatory counseling for donors and their family members, and they are fully informed about all the possible outcomes of their actions. We can "educate" the uneducated using the same procedure. Also, those surgeries wouldn't be performed in a first place if we think that they would endanger somebody's life.
Third argument that is used to prevent free organ market and buying/selling of the organs are religious beliefs. Different religions are proclaiming that people are merely keepers of their bodies not the actual owners. So, selling of their organs is not acceptable because it goes against that belief. On the other hand, it is acceptable to give "a gift of life" by donating an organ or give a blood to help somebody. It is done in the name of brotherly love and mercy. This sounds too hypocritical for my taste, since it contradicts itself by condemning one thing and justifying the other. And also, religious people are under no obligation to sell their own organs (or buy them from others) and have no right to force their faith upon others. I believe in freedom of choice and that nothing can be used to limit that freedom.
There might be some more arguments that can be used for and against the legalization of the free organ market.