about any channel. Children have a more animated imagination than adults. Think back to when.
you yourself were a youngster. How many times did you pretend to act out what you had just.
seen on T.V., everything from cowboys and Indians, to He-man. Today, children still are using.
their imaginations, that hasn't changed. Children are still acting out or playing games about what.
they see on TV. A prime example of this is WWF Wrestling. Children see this type of violence.
and believe that it is an acceptable thing to do. To them it is safe, and in their minds, why.
wouldn't it be? The characters on the WWF are never seriously hurt, and they always come back.
the next week to avenge their rival. .
Children begin to act out toward other children, and toward animals. They fight instead of.
play at recess, and sometimes even when they are playing, fighting begins to occur. In 1985, the.
American Psychological Association (APA) took the official position stating television violence.
can cause aggressive behavior (Zuckerman, 1996). In their research, they discovered continuous.
and consistent behavioral effects linked to film and television demonstrated by patients. .
What people watch on TV is also continuing to corrupt the way people looked at.
themselves. In recent years, more and more people are receiving treatment for negative feelings.
toward their bodies and their love lives. Patients feel that because their lives aren't as perfect as.
the lives of the people on TV, there must be something wrong with them. Psychologists are also.
noticing an increase in atrocious violent acts by patients, acts similar to some that had been.
portrayed in recent movies or television programs. Many people allow the media to influence.
their lives. .
When violence is imitated, it causes reason for concern. Many people are petitioning to.
have a stronger control over the context in which the violence is portrayed. In November 1992, .
thirteen-year-old Virginie Lariviere, began a petition to help censor violence on T.