The worst show of the world's indifference was in the case of the ship named the St. Louis. From May to June of 1939, the St. Louis carrying 930 Jewish refugees, 734 of which had permission to enter America and all of which had Cuban landing certificates went from country to country requesting asylum. All but 22 who were accepted into Cuba, were refused entry into America, Paraguay, Chile, Columbia, Argentina, and Cuba. Finally on June 12, Britain, Holland, Belgium, and France accepted the refugees. The majority of those that were taken onto continental Europe perished within twelve months, the 287 that went to Britain survived the war.
In addition to the nation's ignoring the crisis of the Holocaust, the Jews outside of Europe were relatively inactive. There was very little done by the Jewish communities to help their brethren, and their feeble attempts were not supported by the nations in which they lived. Steven Wise, the head rabbi of New York in this time period, received the minutes of the Wannsee Conference. The Wannsee Conference was the 1942 Reich congress were the Final Solution, the plan to kill all the Jews, was completed. Wise took the minutes, which included the "Blueprints for the Extermination" to President Roosevelt. They did not do anything, thereby allowing more Jews to die. World Jewry negotiated with the Nazis to buy the lives of 100,000 Jewish children and bring them into British controlled Palestine. Great Britain refused to allow them into Palestine. In fact, a British official is quoted as saying, "What are we going to do with 100,000 Jewish children?" Those children, whom were so useless to Great Britain were murdered by the Nazis. .
It is easy, when faced with all of these facts, to recognize that the image of the world as having German wool pulled over their eyes is fallacious. This information makes it no longer possible to claim that the world could do nothing to save the eleven million people who died, due to ignorance of what was happening.