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Black Nationalistic parties such as the Black Panthers who were a party that was set up for black people to gain a better way in society. The Panther party had sects set up all over the U.S that worked for basically the same things. Many people like Martin Luther King Jr. were a form of nationalist, because they were down for the people's rights. The Nation of Islam's Black Muslims also believed strongly in the struggle of the Blacks. Malcolm X, a strong Muslim leader, thought that you should fight back violence with violence. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who believed that non-violence was the key, which put him at conflict with such groups as the black panthers and Malcolm X who believed in fighting back with fists and not their minds. Panthers are one of the most well-known nationalistic groups through out the Americas because they were the most vocal and active in society. Today the party has dwindled and diminished to nothing, but its leaders are still going strong. Young people feel very proud to be living in a world pretty much free of most racial stress and all of the problems that come with it. To some Caucasian , and other ethnic background people the thought of a Black person running the country literally made them sick, and the more that Blacks protested to be a part of this country the more lynches happened, the more tear gas was used, the more dogs were put out, and the more Blacks were put in jail or killed. Then leaders such as Malcolm X and Bobby Seal and Geronimo Pratt and Huey P. Newton thought we cannot take this stuff any more. They said come on let us fight this. The Panthers said let's beat the system and make our own black government where blacks rule the world. Because of black nationalists, Caucasian and other ethnic background people let go almost completely of the ideas that all Blacks were ignorant and had no idea of what was right or wrong. They realized that black power was something more than just saying that they want to be free and getting it; it's fighting for the struggle.

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