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Federalist 51

However, there are many logistical difficulties which make that ideal impossible. Judges, for example, must possess certain qualifications which the average person is not fully informed about. Likewise, it is important for judges to be free from political pressures which are unavoidable in the voting process. For this reason judges are appointed for life to ensure that their decisions are objective without the threat of a loss of job or a necessity to stay on the good side of certain groups. It also helps to substantiate the Supreme Court rulings as a demonstration of the intention to preserve the will of the common people. .
             Madison says the only way to create a government which effectively controls the people and itself, which is Madison's ideal arrangement to protect against factions among the people or in the government, is to setup controls. The most important control is the separation of powers. By dividing the government into three parts, the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches, there are already three divisions whose interests conflict and are therefore forced to compromise, leading to a motive more equivalent to that of the common good. Madison found this separation of powers among a powerful government to be essential in the preservation of liberty. With several divisions setup in the government which are given distinct powers, they are able to keep each other in check. Madison says it is important for each power to have a "will of its own" and little say in the appointment of members of other divisions. This is necessary since the power to appoint or vote for members of other sects of the government may lead to unlawful exchanges for the appointment of a certain party of person. When given that power, the government officials voted in to perform a specified job is now influenced by those who voted them in or those who want their vote. The motives of the government are then no longer for the common good because the individual interests are easily accessible.

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