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Nationalism And Its Illness:Political Violence

Political violence often forms its base on separation. It feeds on intolerance by making race, ethnicity, religion, language, class, doctrine, and nationality, decisive in order to change the order. It separates actors and audience, victims and voyeurs, but then reunites them for its own political benefits and aims (Apter1996, 5). Most of the time it is done for a specific purpose such as reordering the existing political regime, redefining justice and equity or even achieving independence or territorial autonomy (Apter 1996).
             Now, let's take a look at today's world. Most of the time, political violence has conjured up the innocents in Rwanda, Southern Sudan, East Timor, and funerals in Northern Ireland, even the violation of women in Bosnia. (Apter, 1996,1). It has left blood leaves and anger behind. It has not only divided people, but also polarized them around the factors that were listed above: race, ethnicity, religion, language and class. Then, why do we observe such terror and sometimes accept it as a real life sequence, even though humanity is aware of the cruelness of political violence generally? To answer this question, I think we need to analyze when and how political violence is legitimized. .
             However, before we come to that, an interesting point can be pointed out. What is ironic is that even though the words "politics" and "violence" seems logical when banded, actually they are so contrary to each other when separately analyzed. Politics in a sense symbolizes rationality and written rules, whereas violence seems so analogical and meaningless, harmful to human life and rights. As Moss puts it, politics marks the realm of rational persuasion through speech, legitimate institutions which are organized according to public written rules, and decisions which are reached by bargaining and compromise that can always be revised and reversed (Moss 1996,85). According to him, "violence" is coercive, creates victims and aggressors and has irreversible outcomes.

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