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Nancy Graves

Al Held was a 60s abstract expressionist. His paintings were at least an inch deep in paint and had alphabetical shapes on the canvas. Graves learned from Al that even in the world of geometric and mathematics, abstraction could easily be gathered. Tworkov had a scientific approach to art which was Nancy loved. She found that combining the styles of nature and humanity she could make her own name in art. .
             After graduating from Yale School of Art and Architecture she was awarded a fellowship to study painting in Paris. She hen traveled to Florence to study and she came across the works of Clemente Susini. Nancy's artistry fell into its place as she viewed his work. "His calling was primarily as an anatomist first then artist; he skillfully combined the two, and created surreal wax sculptures of women with pink ribbons in their hair, lying a pink clothed table with their chests cut open, surgery style- (2). It was in Florence that she produced her first camel sculpture. "There she conceived a notion of working like a taxidermist to re-create the Bactrian camel, but for the totally different purpose of realizing an image "specific enough to test the boundaries of art, yet sufficiently enigmatic to symbolize the secret, metamorphic life of sculpture-(Hunter, 385). She moved back to New York City in 1967, and began her life in the art world. Her sculptures fall into minimal and conceptual modern art. Nancy is an "aesthete, putting strange objects together with a freedom and élan worthy of any Surrealist poet in the 1920's-(Sculpture 15). Surrealist's artworks are normally random, exotic, or goofy combinations when complete. Her art is inclusive and speaks of the world and it's openness. .
             The sculptures rely on a range of sources in art and out of it: botany, anatomy, paleontology, anthropology, different cultures, Sepik masks, shadow puppets of Bali, and on modern sculptures of Picasso, Alexander Calder, Miro, David Smith, Jackson Pollock, and contemporary artists, Bruce Nauman, Barry Le Va, Richard Serra, and Eva Hesse.

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